Register a Death

Booking an appointment

Who does this?

  •  a relative of the deceased
  •  a person present at the time of death
  •  the person arranging the funeral (this does not include the funeral director).



If some one dies in Havering the death must be registered within five days unless a coroner is involved.


Havering Registration Service runs an appointment system, these are made:

  •  online on the London Borough of Havering Website here
  •  by the Queen’s Hospital Bereavement Service, to register at Queen’s (only, if your loved one died in Queen’s Hospital)
  •  by calling the Council’s main contact centre on 01708 433481 ext 1 (if you wish to speak to a Registrar, the Contact Centre will transfer your call to the Registration department or arrange for a Registrar to call you back.)


Changes to Death Registration due to COVID-19

Appointments booked online will take place at South Essex Crematorium, Appointments made via the Queen’s Hospital Bereavement Service will take place at Queen’s.

If families require a timely burial or cremation funeral service (within 24 hours) an emergency death registration service is available on Bank Holidays between 8.00 and 10.00 am and can be contacted on 01708 433999.

Havering Registrars aim to offer a flexible and responsive service to meet families’ needs. Please visit our website for up to date information on appointments.

What should I bring to the appointment?

When you attend the appointment to register the death you will need to take with you:


• The Medical Certificate of Cause of Death, given to you by the doctor and the deceased’s NHS card (also known as the medical card)
• Date and place of birth
• Occupation
• The date of birth of any surviving widow, widower or civil partner
• Name and occupation of any surviving widow, widower, civil partner
• Maiden name if the deceased person was a married woman

The Registrar will also need to know whether the deceased received:

• a pension
• allowance from government funds.

The “Just Once” Service

You will also need to report the death to various organisations and government departments. When you register the death, the Registrar will offer you an optional, free service called ‘Just Once’. If you use this service you will be able to notify all of the local authority and government departments that need to know in one go, including:

Havering aerial view

• Council Tax
• Benefits
• Pensions / Tax Credits
• Library service
• Blue Badge
• Passport Office
• Driving Licence
• Social Services

In order to take advantage of this service it would be helpful if you could bring any reference numbers with you, and if you have them, your loved one’s passport and driving licence.

I am not quite ready to do this yet
The Registrars will be able to provide you with a unique reference number and a free telephone number for you to contact within 28 days to receive the service over the phone.

You can cancel the clinical waste service, assisted collection service or garden waste service here

The deceased’s relatives, friends and employer should also be notified. If the deceased was an active member of a religious community, his or her spiritual leader should be told. The clergy can be a source of great comfort during this difficult period.